President’s Forum – October 2010
Each semester Dr. Akin addresses questions submitted by the student body. The questions often range from issues of theology and biblical interpretation to politics and Georgia football.
Each semester Dr. Akin addresses questions submitted by the student body. The questions often range from issues of theology and biblical interpretation to politics and Georgia football.
Preaching from Acts 22:6-10, Keathley examines the three components of a conversion experience seen in everyone who comes to faith in Jesus Christ.
Preaching on the faith of the Syrophoenician Woman, Horne reminds us that our Lord does not refuse a person who has a desperate need and looks to Him to fill that need.
Preaching from John 6:1-14, Horton gives us four ways we can have confidence that we are in miracle territory.
Preaching from Mark 10:13-31, Dr. Heisler encourages students to be followers of Christ by repenting of whatever grips their hearts, following Him, and sacrificing everything for Him and the Gospel.
Preaching from Matthew 5:13-16, Richard Land calls Christians to fulfill their obligation and responsibility to be a moral preservative in a decaying culture.
Preaching from Acts 11:19-23, Hamm examines characteristics of revival seen in the life of the early church.
Preaching from Ruth, Platt reminds us how Christ, as the ultimate kinsmen redeemer, seeks the destitute as his family and showers them with His grace.
Preaching from Mark 4, Gallaty reminds us of God’s sovereign purpose in the midst of personal crises; where testing strips us of self reliance and pride, and forces us to come to grips with our total dependence on Christ.