Allan Moseley – Hard Faith – Jeremiah 19-20
Preaching from Jeremiah 19-20, Moseley uses the life of the prophet as example of what we are to do when having faith in the Lord is hard.
Daniel Akin – Sent To Serve: Why Did Jesus Come? – Mark 10:32-45
Preaching from Mark 10:32-45, Akin examines what it means to be a servant in God’s kingdom.
Kevin Ezell – Lessons From Paul’s Farewell – Acts 20:17-38
Preaching from Acts 20:17-38, Ezell challenges us to not loose sight of the need to love the people in our congregations.
James E. White – The Next Great Crisis
White argues that the church today is ministering in an Acts 17 cultural context where we must go all the way back to Genesis and lay a foundation for the understanding and acceptance of the Gospel.
Major Dan Middlebrook – The Next Great Battlefield: The Warrior Calling – Ezekiel 3:16-17
Preaching from Ezekiel 3:16-17, Middlebrook challenges us to faithfully serve as God’s watchmen for the people to whom He has called us to minister.