Daniel Akin – 20/20 Collegiate Conference 2011 – Session 1
Preaching from 1 Peter 3, Daniel Akin challenges Christians to live out their faith with boldness and love; ready to defend their faith with compassion and suffer for Christ with joy.
Preaching from 1 Peter 3, Daniel Akin challenges Christians to live out their faith with boldness and love; ready to defend their faith with compassion and suffer for Christ with joy.
Preaching from Acts 17, Mohler challenges us to engage with people in their cultural context with confidence in the power and truth of the Gospel.
Dr. Bruce Ashford directs questions regarding the challenges of evangelicals in the 21st century to the featured speakers for the 20/20 conference; Danny Akin, Al Mohler, Michael Green and Bruce Little.
Green challenges us to have confidence in the truth of the Gospel when speaking to the skeptical and unbelieving culture; using both reason and faith to articulate our reasons for believing in Christ.
Preaching from John 9, Mohler states that in our preaching the blind will see, but even those who have sight will be struck blind.
Preaching from Isaiah 49:1-6, Gilbert challenges students to see the global glory of Jesus.
Preaching from Mark 8:27-38, Akin insists that we allow Scripture and Scripture alone to give us a clear and consistent picture of who Jesus is.